YouTube Video View Rate Benchmark
Monthly historical data

Youtube Benchmarks
Average YouTube Video View Rate last month
Each month we publish the average YouTube Video View Rate (VVR) benchmark based on the hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos from all around the world indexed by Social Status. Data comes from our Profile Analytics tool which enables performance tracking of YouTube Channels.
The average Video View Rate on YouTube last month was:
How has the YouTube Video View Rate changed over time?
This chart shows the historical YouTube Video View Rate for the past year. As you can see, the monthly average is seldom static so its important to benchmark your performance on YouTube against the monthly average. Use Profile Analytics to benchmark your YouTube Channel against the average.
How to calculate Video View Rate on YouTube
YouTube is the only social channel that doesn’t define a Video View based on seconds watched. Instead, it uses a number of criteria including seconds watched but also viewer history, video length, channel quality and more.
VVR = Video Views divided by Impressions
Channel VVR = Average of all VVR’s during the given time interval (ie: last month)
Social Status does provide other video view durations such as 10-second video views, 30-second video views and 95% video views. It’s useful to know that each of these metrics have an associated VVR too. For example, you can access a 10-sec VVR, 30-sec VVR and 95% VVR.
What affects the YouTube Video View Rate?
Social marketers who use video will tell you that if you want to increase your VVR (ie: watch time) you need to front-load your video with interest. That means focus on the first few seconds of your video and make them as engaging and interesting as possible to encourage the user to keep watching!

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