LinkedIn Click Through Rate Benchmark
Monthly historical data

LinkedIn Benchmarks
Average LinkedIn Click Through Rate last month
Each month we publish the average LinkedIn Click Through Rate (CTR) benchmark based on the hundreds of thousands of posts from all around the world indexed by Social Status. Data comes from our Profile Analytics tool which enables performance tracking of LinkedIn Company Pages.
The average Click Through Rate on LinkedIn last month was:
How has the LinkedIn Click Through Rate changed over time?
This chart shows the historical LinkedIn Click Through Rate for the past year. As you can see, the monthly average is seldom static so its important to benchmark your performance on LinkedIn against the monthly average. Use Profile Analytics to benchmark your LinkedIn Company Page.
How to calculate Click Through Rate on LinkedIn
Like Facebook, LinkedIn’s Click Through Rate is thankfully is one of the more simpler social metrics to calculate:
Post CTR = Link Clicks divided by Reach
Page CTR = Average of all Post CTR’s during the given time interval (ie: last month)
What affects the LinkedIn Click Through Rate (CTR)?
For most LinkedIn marketers, CTR is a key metric and may even be the most important. Driving people to your website in a b2b (business-to-business) environment like LinkedIn makes absolute sense. The fact is, LinkedIn’s Newsfeed has become much more like Facebook’s Newsfeed over the past few years so engagements and video views have competed for the focus as marketers try to understand where they can extract the most value.
On LinkedIn, link clicks happen primarily on link cards just like they do on Facebook, however it’s worth noting that link clicks also occur on the URL itself if it’s present in the post text. Ultimately the image preview and link headline should be the first optimization point as this is what users see prominently in the Newsfeed and this will likely have the biggest impact on whether they choose to leave the feed or not.

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